You should recruit a partner to help you prepare for the comparison/contrast paper and for your fourth quarter work. B-day is behind A-day by quite a lot with regards to research and preparation for the upcoming work.
- February 27: Timed commentary on a poem from your partner's collection. You and your partner may select it in advance but you may only have the poem (no notes) during the writing session.
- March 3: Comparison/contrast draft 1 -- Write a comparison/contrast essay based on at least two poems from each poet -- yours and your partner's poets. Compare the work of your poet with the work of your partner's poet. This paper should be a good effort formatted according to MLA style. Late work or work not in MLA style will suffer up to a 20-point deduction. Your essay should respond to one of the following questions:
- The metaphor, based on analogies between things, is a common and expected element of poetry. Show how at least two poets in our study have heightened meaning or interest in their poems by the use of metaphor.
- Focusing on the works of at least two poets you have studied, explore how imagery is used to create an impact on the reader.
- Light and dark, country and city: Contrasts of many kinds are used by poets to sharpen their expression of ideas or feelings. In the works of at least two poets you haves studied, explore the way contrasts have been used to achieve particular effects.
- Be sure to discuss both similarities and differences; the essay is an exercise in comparison and contrast.
- Take a position: the paper is not to paraphrase or summarize but to argue a point about similarities and differences. You know -- So what?
- March 11 Comparison/contrast final
Then you will have mock exams the week of March 16. All third quarter grades will be complete at that point, and all work after the March 10 deadline will go on the fourth quarter.
See this link to know what is coming for the final quarter.
You may choose your partner and enter your choices in 1-3 order as a reply to this post.
Sarah and Alicia:
Ethan and Will
1.Keats/ Yeats
1. Yeats/Plath
2. Marvell/ Plath
3. Marvell/ Yeats
Andrey and Jeremy
1. Yeats/Marvell
2. Yeats/Keats
3. Marvell/Keats
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