Tuesday, November 11, 2014


The show

Students created slides for a class slide show on the life and times of August Wilson. Those who missed class should band together into two small groups to complete the assignment on

5. quotes from August Wilson
7. quotes about Wilson's work

Do this on August Wilson:
Go to lab.
Fire up Powerpoint and Explorer.
Check into Discus and a couple of other reputable sites.
Research one of the following about Wilson:

  1. August Wilson: the Early Years (through high school)
  2. Education after high school
  3. Primary influences on Wilson's work -- include patrons and support groups
  4. Major themes running throughout Wilson's work (view on history/identity/religion?)
  5. A selection of quotes by (and maybe one about) Wilson
  6. The man's legacy
  7. Critical quotes ABOUT Wilson's work

Each slide should have
  • a clear, proportional, RELATED image
  • CONCISE text
  • a tiny citation in MLA style at the bottom of the slide (like, 10 pt.)
  • drop it to me as Names.Wilson1 or Names.Wilson2

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