Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Although I really think that if you are confused about the presentation, you are one who likes being confused and therefore will persist in that state, I will nonetheless review what is already in the instruction pack linked on the right as "Final 9 Week Assignment."

  1. You use poems from the poetry packet. You do not use poems that are not in the poetry packet. Pardon me if I did not explicitly say that (although I probably did). I did not expect to need to say that. The poetry pack is linked on the right as "Poetry Pack."
  2. Hand in, as you enter the room, your study guide. "Hand in" means that it needs to be printed. "As you enter the room" means as you should give it to me as you enter the room -- before you start to present. I have asked you to use the template I provided and that is linked on the right as "Rubric and template." It is an MS Word doc that you can type directly into, and the guide will be formatted in an orderly way. I will use this guide to check your presentation AND you receive a grade for the guide itself, as specified in the "Final 9 Week Assignment." You, the presenter, may NOT use the guide as you present. You must know the material.
  3. On your desk you may have the three unmarked focus poems from each poet, a blank rubric, the comments by your critics, and a timer. The comments from your critics should be printed out separately a second time so that I get the study guide with the critics and you keep just the critics. That requires two (2) copies of the critics' comments. 
Any pair who would like to go on Wednesday, Thursday, or Friday immediately after school is welcome. Make the arrangement with me. Anyone who would like to go immediately after first block, during the first minutes of second block, make arrangements with me.

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