Thursday, January 23, 2014


This assignment applies to B-day and is due Monday: for A-day, it will be due on Tuesday:

Read "You and the Atomic Bomb" with a pen in your hand. Mark key points.

Take "The Spike" and number the paragraphs for reference. (I numbered 35 paragraphs). Then compose five interpretive questions. First, your questions should make the responder look down into the text, not up into the sky. Responders should search for text to support their responses: the question should stimulate that search. Second, the questions should also require interpretation and thought; they should not be concretely answerable with a definitive "that's it" response. Third, you yourself should not already know the answer. A few examples follow:

Ex. 1: What advantage does Orwell's description in the first paragraph convey to his purpose in "The Spike"?

Ex. 2: According to Orwell, is poverty the fault of the poor?

Ex. 3: How can you determine Orwell's attitude toward the man he speaks with in paragraphs 20-26? What is his attitude?

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