Monday, March 26, 2012

See Wednesday's post

If you passively waited until today to send in an explication without arranging which poem to work on with me, I will not proceed with you. The same will hold true for the memory piece if you do not arrange it with me to avoid countless repetitions of “The Mower’s Song.”

Situation at 9:27 pm


Lierin Monteith said...

Victoria and I want to use to his coy mistress for our memorization. I already turned in frost at midnight for my explication but if it needs to be changed then I will change it.

Mr. Koon said...

Lierin: get your paper back. It is marked. Note that Brian has "Frost." Work it out among yourselves and get another one. Isreal also needs another, though he did try to contact me with a choice.

Mr. Koon said...

And, Lierin, you cannot memo a piece from the authors you are presenting. You are presenting Tennyson and Marvell. Look at the handout.

Lierin Monteith said...

Alright. Can I do the charge of the light bregade for my explication?

Mr. Koon said...

I would prefer you did something from Coleridge since you are presenting Tennyson and Marvell.

Mr. Koon said...

How about "Dejection: An Ode"?

Lierin Monteith said...

And can Victoria and I use Khubla Khan for the memorization?

Lierin Monteith said...

I will use dejection: and ode for my explication.

Mr. Koon said...

Check. Long poem, but the explication can take stanza at a time. Memorize part of it?

Lierin Monteith said...

I looked at it and that will work. I'll also memorize part of it

Mr. Koon said...

Right. Vic and Lierin, Kubla Khan memo.

Eliza said...

Brian and I are doing Marvell/Tennyson, and we will be memorizing The Aeolian Harp. I am going to explicate the Coronet and Brian is going to explicate Frost At Midnight.

Mr. Koon said...

OK. We're getting crossed. One more time, because both are available: I'm getting Lierin memo and expl "Dejection." Vic memo?

Mr. Koon said...

Eliza and Brian, check. There is an aberration but with some cause in your explication of Marvell.

Lierin Monteith said...

Victoria and I want to memorize Khubla khan together and I will explicate objection an ode.

Mr. Koon said...

I still have memo questions about Katherine, Jarvis, and Victoria. I have explication questions about Quincy, Brandon, Katherine, Jarvis, Victoria, and Isreal.

Quincy said...

I will explicate Crossing the Bar if thats alright

bechtler said...

I will explicate "To His Coy Mistress". I will have to redo my first draft though. I had already done my first draft on "The Coronet" before i got your email stating that it was already taken.

Mr. Koon said...

OK, Q, Crossing the Bar expl.

Mr. Koon said...

Brandon: expl. "Lady of Shalott" or "Ulysses."
Victoria: expl. "The Aeolian Harp"?

bechtler said...

You emailed me and said that "Coy Mistress" was available. I would like to do that one.

Mr. Koon said...

Brandon: "The Coronet" is also taken. Try a second Tennyson.

Mr. Koon said...

Oh, check. Brandon expl. Coy

Laine Austin said...

Augusta and I are doing Coleridge/Tennyson. I will be explicating The Garden and Augusta will explicate The Mower, Against the Garden. Our memorization piece will be a part from each of these two poems.

Mr. Koon said...

Yes, Laine. You signed up already and are on the chart above.

Isreal said...

Can I get Ulysses for the explication.

Mr. Koon said...

Isreal has tales of brave Ulyssess for the explication.